Monday 31 October 2011

Brisbane Art Gallery

Do pay a visit to the Art Gallery in Brisbane. Admission if free. You can get a guided tour with a certain fee. Before entering, you will need to leave your backpack or bigger bags for save keeping. You can still bring your pencils and paper to go in for a sketch.

From time to time, there will special exhibition featuring a certain artist's work. For that exhibition, I think it cost around 16 ausie for and adult. I did not go in because I am not sure whether I know how to appreciate his work, I am not that artistic.

Some pelicans docking on some cement pillars. One of them looks like he saw a fish in the water, the others are sun bathing maybe.

I really wish I have this set of chairs back at home. It is really unique. It looks quite solid, maybe if I manage to get it I will just put some soft cushion on it to make it comfy.

One thing I really like about the Art Gallery is the spaciousness. You will get ample space to either stand in front of the art and sit down in the middle of the hall just to admire a masterpiece.

I hope this picture has not copyright. It says that no flash photography inside the gallery, so I snap my pictures on the art works. After looking at this piece, I really think maybe I can also paint something like this and make some money and try to sell it to the gallery.

Other than painting, there are also a variety of exhibits ranging from metal sculptures, glasses artwork, poetry and etc. You will also find a place to view videos telling you about the artworks of the artist.

From my artistic point of view, this looks like Jun-On trying to climb out from a picture with a background of corn field instead of a well from a TV.

I quite like this flower arrangement. If I did not forget, it is done by a Japanese fusing ancient Japanese flower arrangement with a modern touch. The "heaven's bird" is mixed with the "kangaroo paw" enclosed in a rattan made orbit, really an interesting mix.

For those artistic Picaso out there, please do not photoshop this photo, for example adding a banana or magnet lasso my clothes. Pay a visit to your nearest art gallery or ask your niece or nephew to teach you how to draw, you never know they will turn out to be a Vincent van Gogh one day.

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