Monday 31 October 2011

Looking Into The Future

Mircosoft had came out with a clip on the Productivity Future Vision. If you have time, spend some time and have a look into the future.

Your phone that becomes your most powerful and important companion. So much information stored inside, I wonder what happens if you loose it. Yes, it is very cool to be able to read all your emails and work, spin it around in the air to browse through your documents, carry no bag further. However, to be able to do that you need data roaming throughout the world, unlimited battery life, you also risk exposing your personal information to hackers. If someone were to kidnap you, all they need to do is tap into your phone and locate where you are, or check your travel itinerary well ahead.

Technologies do help bring gap closer. Able to talk to your kids while you are doing your stuff in your own room is really a wonder. Still, I believe a certain amount of direct human interaction is better. Otherwise, you will only have memories with your family on an electronic media.

Having said that, I still look forward to see all this happening in the future, hopefully in the near future. Every technology is actually very good, it helps us make life better, it is always the users which determine how good or how bad it can be.

Brisbane Art Gallery

Do pay a visit to the Art Gallery in Brisbane. Admission if free. You can get a guided tour with a certain fee. Before entering, you will need to leave your backpack or bigger bags for save keeping. You can still bring your pencils and paper to go in for a sketch.

From time to time, there will special exhibition featuring a certain artist's work. For that exhibition, I think it cost around 16 ausie for and adult. I did not go in because I am not sure whether I know how to appreciate his work, I am not that artistic.

Some pelicans docking on some cement pillars. One of them looks like he saw a fish in the water, the others are sun bathing maybe.

I really wish I have this set of chairs back at home. It is really unique. It looks quite solid, maybe if I manage to get it I will just put some soft cushion on it to make it comfy.

One thing I really like about the Art Gallery is the spaciousness. You will get ample space to either stand in front of the art and sit down in the middle of the hall just to admire a masterpiece.

I hope this picture has not copyright. It says that no flash photography inside the gallery, so I snap my pictures on the art works. After looking at this piece, I really think maybe I can also paint something like this and make some money and try to sell it to the gallery.

Other than painting, there are also a variety of exhibits ranging from metal sculptures, glasses artwork, poetry and etc. You will also find a place to view videos telling you about the artworks of the artist.

From my artistic point of view, this looks like Jun-On trying to climb out from a picture with a background of corn field instead of a well from a TV.

I quite like this flower arrangement. If I did not forget, it is done by a Japanese fusing ancient Japanese flower arrangement with a modern touch. The "heaven's bird" is mixed with the "kangaroo paw" enclosed in a rattan made orbit, really an interesting mix.

For those artistic Picaso out there, please do not photoshop this photo, for example adding a banana or magnet lasso my clothes. Pay a visit to your nearest art gallery or ask your niece or nephew to teach you how to draw, you never know they will turn out to be a Vincent van Gogh one day.

Saturday 29 October 2011

Love is In South Bank Brisbane

Brisbane is a city full with love and affection. I saw this father spending some quality time with his son at South Bank. It is very cute to see this little boy keep trying to climb up again and again even he fell a lot of times, while his father is watching over him.

The mother is in the swing with her kids. It is very warm scene but what I am worry is can the swing actually support and adult's weight.

There is a vast greenery in the park of South Bank. This couple is lying on the ground and spending their time together enjoying the scenic view of the sunset.

If you are feeling a bit cold, you can always cuddle your partner and get some body heat from him or vice versa. I got this photo on the artificial beach at south bank. Maybe they should get a blanket too.

On the other hand, for some, they prefer to cuddle each other in the water. If the girl is wearing a grey shirt and a grey hat, I guess I could have mistaken it as a Koala Bear.

Well, people here are not shy to show their love in public. So, make sure you show your love when you are in Brisbane.

Hungry Jack Brisbane

This is Hungry Jack at Queen Street Brisbane. I believe it is an equivalent to Burger King fast food chain in Malaysia. It is the one of the 24 hours food stall open over there. If you are hungry at night, you won't be able to find a mamak stall over there.

There is a wide selection of fast food selection available. I saw an advertisement on local TV promoting about their natural beef burger, looks very tempting. I believe people who comes in will be hungry and will be looking at the menu of the display board, however if you ever look down on the floor, I guess you will look up again, smart.

A normal value meal will cost around 8 Aussie dollar. You place your order then wait for the food. Service is quite fast. The only thing is that I am still not used to Australian English. When my food came, the staff asked, "Who's chicken burger with bacon and cheese?", I was like, " Err...I ordered chicken burger with bacon and cheese", Staff says, "Here you are." It was a very funny moment for me.

Well, this is an example of a meal that you get. The chicken was very tender and the cheese and bacon blends in well. Drink refills are free at the refilling station. So if you are hungry in Australia next time, you can look for Jack.

Thursday 27 October 2011

Brisbane International Airport Short Peep

Welcome to Brisbane International Airport. It is 930pm when this is taken but the vibrant yellow entrance still looks very alive. I was waiting to catch a bus to the city while I snapped some photos around in the airport.

I found this very interesting. I don't know what you call it. There are several balls running through the track perpetually. The designer is really a genius. 

Well, most of the shops close down after 5pm. Not like in Malaysia where you can find a 24 hours mamak store and shopping complex that operates up to 10pm. So, there is only empty chairs and tables filling up the space in this picture.

Of course, if you are tired, there is always a couch for you to take a rest while waiting for your flight. 

Alternatively, try to stay as far away from this guy or risk getting the cotton on you being shaved off.

And of course, there is another alternative, take a bus or train to gold coast and BILLA BONG! More post on Brisbane to come. 

Korean Restaurant And Food

Welcome to the streets of Myeong dong with galore of Korean cuisines. Korean food usually is very colourful. It has a healthy balance of Ying and Yang consisting of vegetables, meat and rice. If you do not know how to speak korean, just snap the photo with your iphone and show the picture to make your order.

This is a spicy paste toufu dish. It is still boiling hot when it is served. I waited for the volcano to cool down before slimming in the smooth toufu into my throat while the kick of spiciness will linger around your mouth, cost around 6000 won.

This looks like a Japanese Udon noodles to me. The soup is supreme. Not to thick yet not to thin. One sip of the soup and one slurp of the noodles. In less than 5 minutes, I finished the whole bowl without knowing it. Cost 6000 won.

You must try Bibimbab. A dish of rice served with assorted veges and sometimes with some minced pork or beef and usually with chili paste. The Bibimbab is almost like a fast food in Korea, cost around 6000 won.

Usually, you can a bottle of water and some cups. You can top up the water anytime. However if you feel like having some rice wine, you can always try one in korea, served in a chilled glass.

Of course, nor forgetting the condiments that comes with the main dishes. You can ask for refills, practically unlimited, but I believe by the time you ask the replenishment of the condiments for the 3rd time, the boss will probably look at you in a funny way.

Condiments usually varies from each restaurant to another. It can range from fish cakes, sweet anchovies, vegetables, a variety of kimchi and the list goes on. One thing in common, they are all served cold.

Well, Korea is famous for its Kimchi. People there must have Kimchi for breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper and snacks I believe. I like to have it as an appetizer. I usually take it with some rice.

Must try, Samgyetang, ginseng chicken soup. I spent some time looking for the ginseng, only to find deep inside of this whole chicken. Try this dish in the winter, it is usually served with some sea salt, cost around 10,000-15,000 won.

There are many more Korean food that you should try out. I saw a documentary on Korean Food. It said that Korean diet has a high intake of salt. From the fermented kimchi to the soy paste, all of them use quite a bit of salt, which may not be considered healthy for some parties. So, you judge for yourself whether korean food suits you. For me, anything that is tasty goes.

Seoul International Airport

Incheon International Airport  is the largest airport in South Korea, the primary airport serving the Seoul national capital area, and one of the largest and busiest airports in the world. 

The building is very modern in design. There is maximum utilization of natural sunlight to lit up the whole area. Space is something you will feel when you first walk into the airport. It is not like Malaysian Airport where any empty space is utilized to generate more revenue.

There is a lot usage on materials like stainless steel and clear glass. The stainless steel beams and frames itself is part of the design to me because when the shadows adds into the interior decoration of the airport.

Well, you can also find a garden inside the airport terminal itself. If you are overwhelmed by the steel structure, this piece of small greenery can chill you out. The Star Garden boasts a full lineup of flora comprising more than 150 species and 9,000 individual plants covering an area of 1,980 square meters. 

There are much more attraction in the airport, I am just posting some pictures of what my eyes see. For more information you can check out The information provided about the airport is quite extensive.

During my visit, I came across this design Cube. You get to appreciate some artistic drawing below some tall pine trees and a calm peaceful squarish pond. It was a truly unique to find this in an airport.

I like this wall design of the restaurant a lot. What a creative way to name it, "Food" on the Air. You can enjoy Korean, Chinese, Casual Japanese food. Of course there are many more choices of food you can choose from in the airport.

If you are hungry you can eat, if you are thirsty you can just take a sip whether you are an adult or a child. They really put thoughts to cater for the needs of all visitors in the airport.

When you had ate and drank, you can always learn from this guy here to just lay flat and take a rest. Maybe he was just too tired waiting for someone from a delayed flight.

Well, I just found a high spot in the airport and started to observe what people actually do in an airport. Girl:"I think we should stay in Korea for another few days, I haven't finish buying my cosmetics, BB Cream......" Guy:''There goes my pocket money, so high maintenance"

There is one big crowd hustling over the "Rent a phone" counter. Maybe it is cheap to rent one, but I did not manage to go check it out.

This is how it looks like in one of the busiest airport in the world. 33 million passengers and 5.2 million transfer passengers traveling through the airport in 2010.

It is very interesting to see the ash stray at the smoking area. The smokers had decorated it with their cigarette buds.

Of course, you would surely like to look at aircraft in the airport. Go to the Passenger Terminal 4F Center. There is Airstar Terrace which combines scenery, culture and relaxation, offering you a bird;s eye view of  aircraft takeoff and landings.

Thank you ladies and gentlemen, for scrolling through the blog. I wish you had a pleasant overview of the Incheon International Airport. I will let the Korean Air crew say bye bye to you to end the post.