Saturday 18 June 2011

Playing In The Garden

It was a late Friday Evening. We were playing football in the garden. Suddenly a thought just came to mind that why not take a video and have some fun. This is what we had come out with.There is actually 4 clips, however, the clips have been trimmed into parts to enable easy loading. 

Take 1, Teng Kai stepped on some cat shit landmine on the field. Luckily his stained slipper did not hit any moving target.

Take 2: Quoting JT: We must use the environmental obstacles to our advantage. Running around with the ball is very exhausting.

Take 3: JT and TK can really stick to you like a remora fish. They will not just let you walk away with the ball like that.

Take 4: Be careful when you put your head on your head backwards. JT has no mercy. He is like a terminator. Really had to work hard to get out of the entrapment in the barbecue pit.

Take 5: Discussing a play with JT as the main star. Camera man Teng Kai expose the plot.

Take 6: Naughty JT aggravated us with a ball head bump. He then made his way out of all the tackle. However, eventually he ran out of energy to outrun the opponents.

Take 7. After math after the fall of JT. It was already getting late. JT ended the day by taking in charge of the ball in the final take.

Director: All Players
Actors: Joey Prince Toral, Tan, Neroshn, Teng Kai
Disclaimer: I did not teach them what came out from their mouth.

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