Wednesday 15 June 2011

One day in Beijing

This is a small shop in Beijing where I sat and took a meal. It serves all sorts of local dishes and service is very fast. During lunch time it is quite packed.


This is "Hong Sao Ji Rou Fan". It is a dish where you stir fry green capsicum. Quite tasty and it only cost RMB14. The portion is sufficient to fill up your stomach.

There is one more stall where I wanted to go. On the way there, I sighted this lorry. I pray that no debris fall off the lorry and injure the passer by. Maybe the driver is doing some special training like Initial-D, training himself how to drift without spilling the rubbish. 

If you cross the road in Beijing, please be very careful. Because the traffic light does not really help you cross the street. The traffic light might indicate green and safe to cross but there are still cars from the opposite coming over as if they have the right of way. Look at how this two tricycle go head on with an opposite incoming traffic.

This is a restaurant in Beijing that you must pay a visit. They serve Halal food I believe but converse in Mandarin.

Satay Kambing (Mutton Tendon Barbeque Stick). You must make sure to try this. It is only RMB2 per stick. You can order the egg fry rice to go with them. 

This is how they prepare the the satay kambing. Using charcoal to smoke and cook the satay. They will finish it of with sprinkle of some herbs and chili flakes. The chili flakes it what makes it special I believe. It has a really unique taste where you will crave for more.

Close up on the Satay Kambing. It is best eaten fresh while it is still hot. It is delicious but I usually do not have more than 5 sticks as I start to feel "heaty" in my body.

Beijing is really interesting. People park their car at the pedestrian way. There is no designated parking space,  no parking meter. Don't be surprise a car is following behind you while you are walking on the streets.

One more thing to pay attention when you walk on the street is not to step on "land mines". Some people will spit on the floor or clear the discharge from their nostrils to the floor. 

That is all for this trip. You can find a lot of good food and can see some ugly sight in Beijing. Will cover more of other stuff in Beijing on future trips

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