Sunday 26 June 2011


I happen to came across the AND 1 event in USJ Summit where I actually stood around and watch the matches going around there. If I were ever to play basketball, it would be like playing football.I had no idea why a basketball competition is labeled with AND 1 so I decided to find out. 

Streetball rules vary widely from court to court. Almost invariably a "call your own foul" rule is in effect, and a player who believes he has been fouled, simply needs to call out "Foul!", and play will be stopped, with the ball awarded to the fouled player's team (no free throws are awarded in streetball) . A common misconception is that saying "And 1" is synonymous with calling "foul." It is not. The phrase is commonly employed as a form of trash talk. For example, when a player knows they are going to make a shot and they think they are getting fouled as they are shooting will say "And 1", to let their defender know, "You can't even stop me even when you foul me." In reality, and as the rules that follow indicate, there is no such thing as a traditional "And 1" in Streetball. <wikipedia>

There were a lot of youngsters around the court. They also have very interesting team name like "Angry Bird Crew" and "I Dont Know My Team Name". Of course, you also see the major sponsors there promoting like  Milo, One FM, Metro. It was quite happening there.

These kids really do show some skills when it comes to 3 on 3 basketball. They were playing under scorching hot sun on a "reclaimed" basketball court. I was burning but I don't know how they perform under such extreme conditions.

This is the video of some actions of a Team Game. Look at the backhand pass, unfortunately, his team mate did not connect and make a superb finishing.

Later on, there was a show case from the "elite" on what street ball is all about. For Malaysian standard, I say it is quite not bad.


This was the second half of the show case. Later on the host asked if there is any one from the crowd who wants to challenge them, but no one stepped up to the dare. I wanted to go in to have some fun although I don't know how to play and I know I will make a joke out of myself be badly humiliated, but I was wearing slippers.

This boy Chung Li was chosen to go against an over sized African, but he showed his skills and guts taking on this big guy. Look at the fake flip while hiding the ball between his knees. Maybe Malaysia still has hope.

Well, before I left. Some one from Nigeria came in to come head to head with the organizer's street ball player. It was interesting to watch. So, I hope you enjoy this post.

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