Sunday 26 June 2011


I happen to came across the AND 1 event in USJ Summit where I actually stood around and watch the matches going around there. If I were ever to play basketball, it would be like playing football.I had no idea why a basketball competition is labeled with AND 1 so I decided to find out. 

Streetball rules vary widely from court to court. Almost invariably a "call your own foul" rule is in effect, and a player who believes he has been fouled, simply needs to call out "Foul!", and play will be stopped, with the ball awarded to the fouled player's team (no free throws are awarded in streetball) . A common misconception is that saying "And 1" is synonymous with calling "foul." It is not. The phrase is commonly employed as a form of trash talk. For example, when a player knows they are going to make a shot and they think they are getting fouled as they are shooting will say "And 1", to let their defender know, "You can't even stop me even when you foul me." In reality, and as the rules that follow indicate, there is no such thing as a traditional "And 1" in Streetball. <wikipedia>

There were a lot of youngsters around the court. They also have very interesting team name like "Angry Bird Crew" and "I Dont Know My Team Name". Of course, you also see the major sponsors there promoting like  Milo, One FM, Metro. It was quite happening there.

These kids really do show some skills when it comes to 3 on 3 basketball. They were playing under scorching hot sun on a "reclaimed" basketball court. I was burning but I don't know how they perform under such extreme conditions.

This is the video of some actions of a Team Game. Look at the backhand pass, unfortunately, his team mate did not connect and make a superb finishing.

Later on, there was a show case from the "elite" on what street ball is all about. For Malaysian standard, I say it is quite not bad.


This was the second half of the show case. Later on the host asked if there is any one from the crowd who wants to challenge them, but no one stepped up to the dare. I wanted to go in to have some fun although I don't know how to play and I know I will make a joke out of myself be badly humiliated, but I was wearing slippers.

This boy Chung Li was chosen to go against an over sized African, but he showed his skills and guts taking on this big guy. Look at the fake flip while hiding the ball between his knees. Maybe Malaysia still has hope.

Well, before I left. Some one from Nigeria came in to come head to head with the organizer's street ball player. It was interesting to watch. So, I hope you enjoy this post.

Saturday 18 June 2011

Playing In The Garden

It was a late Friday Evening. We were playing football in the garden. Suddenly a thought just came to mind that why not take a video and have some fun. This is what we had come out with.There is actually 4 clips, however, the clips have been trimmed into parts to enable easy loading. 

Take 1, Teng Kai stepped on some cat shit landmine on the field. Luckily his stained slipper did not hit any moving target.

Take 2: Quoting JT: We must use the environmental obstacles to our advantage. Running around with the ball is very exhausting.

Take 3: JT and TK can really stick to you like a remora fish. They will not just let you walk away with the ball like that.

Take 4: Be careful when you put your head on your head backwards. JT has no mercy. He is like a terminator. Really had to work hard to get out of the entrapment in the barbecue pit.

Take 5: Discussing a play with JT as the main star. Camera man Teng Kai expose the plot.

Take 6: Naughty JT aggravated us with a ball head bump. He then made his way out of all the tackle. However, eventually he ran out of energy to outrun the opponents.

Take 7. After math after the fall of JT. It was already getting late. JT ended the day by taking in charge of the ball in the final take.

Director: All Players
Actors: Joey Prince Toral, Tan, Neroshn, Teng Kai
Disclaimer: I did not teach them what came out from their mouth.

Wednesday 15 June 2011

One day in Beijing

This is a small shop in Beijing where I sat and took a meal. It serves all sorts of local dishes and service is very fast. During lunch time it is quite packed.


This is "Hong Sao Ji Rou Fan". It is a dish where you stir fry green capsicum. Quite tasty and it only cost RMB14. The portion is sufficient to fill up your stomach.

There is one more stall where I wanted to go. On the way there, I sighted this lorry. I pray that no debris fall off the lorry and injure the passer by. Maybe the driver is doing some special training like Initial-D, training himself how to drift without spilling the rubbish. 

If you cross the road in Beijing, please be very careful. Because the traffic light does not really help you cross the street. The traffic light might indicate green and safe to cross but there are still cars from the opposite coming over as if they have the right of way. Look at how this two tricycle go head on with an opposite incoming traffic.

This is a restaurant in Beijing that you must pay a visit. They serve Halal food I believe but converse in Mandarin.

Satay Kambing (Mutton Tendon Barbeque Stick). You must make sure to try this. It is only RMB2 per stick. You can order the egg fry rice to go with them. 

This is how they prepare the the satay kambing. Using charcoal to smoke and cook the satay. They will finish it of with sprinkle of some herbs and chili flakes. The chili flakes it what makes it special I believe. It has a really unique taste where you will crave for more.

Close up on the Satay Kambing. It is best eaten fresh while it is still hot. It is delicious but I usually do not have more than 5 sticks as I start to feel "heaty" in my body.

Beijing is really interesting. People park their car at the pedestrian way. There is no designated parking space,  no parking meter. Don't be surprise a car is following behind you while you are walking on the streets.

One more thing to pay attention when you walk on the street is not to step on "land mines". Some people will spit on the floor or clear the discharge from their nostrils to the floor. 

That is all for this trip. You can find a lot of good food and can see some ugly sight in Beijing. Will cover more of other stuff in Beijing on future trips

Wednesday 1 June 2011

Intel Musuem Of Me

If you have a facebook, you might be interested to make a Musuem of yourself through Intel. Create your own musuem at Below is the musuem of me which I tweak a little with photoshop.

You will be surprised who you actually interact with the most, what you like and what photos Intel has selected based on the details you grant them to access. You will get a very interesting video generated with this museum of yourself. Go check it out.

Don't Play Play Aunty Messi

Paid a visit to Beijing recently. I was taking a stroll in the park when I see this group of elderly displaying stunning skills when playing the game of Jian Zh i(毽子).Very skillful. The one in the red shirt is auntie Messi.

Jian Zhi is a traditional Asian game in which players aim to keep a heavily weighted shuttlecock in the air using their feet and other parts of the body. Used to play this in class during the breaks.

China has already started her own "Shaolin" soccer team. If they really fuse that with football, I think you will be looking at a new force in World Cup in the future.