Saturday 3 September 2011

Beansbins Myeongdong

It was raining cats and dogs over Myeongdong, we bunked ourselves in the nearest coffee shop for shelter. Here we are Beansbins Coffee.

Place your order at the counter and wait for your coffee. They sell combo set here, a coffee with a waffle with toppings of your choice. I was not good in speaking korean, basically I just point to the board and say yes yes yes and pay the bill.

Find a good spot in the coffee shop to dry up after soaking in the rain. When the device beep, it is time to collect the order.

I had a hot americano black coffee with cinnamon creamed waffle, the set cost around 6000 won and taste good when served hot.

My friend had an iced coffee with choco flake cake. According to him, it was not bad either.We sat and chat around there till the rain stop before returning to the streets. It was a cozy spot to hang around. Most of the people there were couples and girl friends hanging out together, maybe you can check it out when you drop by in seoul.

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